Rewrite, Rebuild.

Hello there, long time no write. First post in this 2014.

If you all remember, I’ve posted about my short talkies film project whichis like The Sunset Limited by Tommy Lee Jones? In this time, I’ve rewrite that script with new concept of the story. The idea and the message still the same. Now I try to give more context and giving more realistic set at the script. Plus, I give it to a new writer, Bawuk Respati, to make this story have refreshment. Two head is better than one, isn’t it?

For the story, we still have two man who debate about their believe in heaven (and GOD) and about their faith. We try to make all this scene in Hospital set, which mean, this two man (and in this rewrite version, we make them Old) are sick. We named them, Peter and Thomas. Peter is the belive one, Thomas is otherwise. If you all realized, Peter and Thomas is name of Jesus disciple who follow Him.

Peter have a strong faith. He like to pray. He just believe even he can’t see God. Peter is kind and polite.

Thomas is don’t have any faith. He can’t believe in what he can’t see or feel. He just know all the realistic thing is exist. There is no God or Heaven, because it is unrealistic. Thomas is skeptical and bitter.

The story will goes at the ward when they are treated. In the morning, when a nurse open up the curtain and let the sunshine in. At the breakfast, Peter and Thomas who treated in the same ward, sit together and do conversation during that breakfast. Peter is talk about the heaven and his faith. Thomas just listen and feel bitter about it.

Well, it’s just a simple story in a short conversation between that Old Man. I hope, all the message in their conversation can deliver well to the audience who watch this short film later. Wish me luck for this script, and let the script writer finsih it soon, so we can watch the film as soon as possible.

